Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Where'd you get that?

In our consumer-driven society we seldom stop to think about the mileage that our goods have seen before they get to us. Other than a "made in" tag or label or a bumper sticker encouraging purchasing goods made in the USA it is rare that one considers the effort it takes to get our goods.

The St. Lawrence Sea way is the navigational channel that connects the Great Leaks to the Atlantic Ocean. Since the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, June 26, 1959, more than two billion tons of cargo of more than $300 billion have moved through the 2,500 mile system of canals, locks and waterways.

As you get dressed or purchase an item today, see where it was made and consider whether your goods have traveled more than you have!

PollPub.com Voteon what continent was your shirt made?
North America
South America

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